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About the Association

The operation of the Morton Cemetery has been handled by many different individuals throughout the years. At the time of the first burial the property was privately owned by William Morton. After his death, the property changed hands numerous times before it actually became a cemetery called DeChaumes Cemetery. In 1855 Michael DeChaumes appointed his attorney, Gustave Cook, to make title to lots in the cemetery.

From 1897 to 1943, the Morton Masonic Lodge owned and operated the property as the Richmond Masonic Cemetery. In 1943, the Lodge formed a committee to deed the cemetery to the Richmond Cemetery Association and on January 20, 1944 the association was incorporated as the Morton Cemetery Association.

Morton Cemetery is still operated by the Morton Cemetery Association whose office is located at 900 Morton Street in Richmond, Texas 77469. The association can be reached by phone at 281-239-3648, fax 281-239-3706, or mail P.O. Box 300, Richmond, Texas 77406.

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